Thursday, 11 April 2013

Evaluation question 3

This evaluation question was 'what have your learned from your audiences feedback?' for this i showed my video, my poster and my review to the public, to friends and then to my target audience (woman). I then asked them 9 questions about the tasks  and got their honest opinions.

Firstly i asked the public what they thought of my tasks, he watched my video and read my film review and poster on a iphone and this was his response.
  1. Do you like it? yes i do like the the movie and the review the tasks.
  2. What do you like about it? i like how the poster is edited, makes you want to know more about the child. i like the film as its telling the truth about today (war, abuse)
  3. What do you dislike about it? well i dont read film reviews so i didn't really find it interesting.
  4. How do you think the film appeals to you? well i relate to the man who died in afghanistan as the army is putting alot of pressure on young men these days and even the families so it effects a wide range of people.
  5. Do you relate to any of the characters?  like i said i relate to the young man due to war.
  6. What parts do you think needs improving? well the poster is a bit girly for me and like i said i dont read film reviews. 
  7. Do you think this relates to modern day society? yes, with the current war in afghan.
  8. Do you think this would appeal to other types of audiences? well i know my girlfriend would like it as she likes love films and tragedy.
  9. Lastly, would you go and pay to see this in a cinema? if i wanted to take my girl friend out but if it was just me then no i wouldn't. 

I then asked my friends what they thought of my tasks. this time they saw everything on a macbook pro and this was their feedback.

  1. Do you like it? yes we like it, its very sad though
  2. What do you like about it? we think that the film al together is really good and we like the film review as well.
  3. What do you dislike about it? well the fact that were boys, that sums it up as its not explosions and guns, just a bit girly really.
  4. How do you think the film appeals to you? well there is man going to afghan in it and that has something to do with guns, but it doesn't really appeal to us, its a lovey-dovey film.
  5. Do you relate to any of the characters? well my uncle is in afghan at the moment so i relate to the woman crying about when he dies cause when someone in your family is at risk of dieing every day its always on everyones minds. 
  6. What parts do you think needs improving? well there need to be more boyish things here, the film review is red so this attracts us to read it.
  7. Do you think this relates to modern day society? with the war and all that, also like 9/11 people are still mourning about that.
  8. Do you think this would appeal to other types of audiences? girls, most certain. i can see my girlfriend and my mum seeing this!
  9. Lastly, would you go and pay to see this in a cinema? if i wanted to take my girl out i would, or take my mum out.

Lastly i asked my target audience which was a girl. She watched it on a normal pc and this was her reaction.

Evaluation question 2

Evaluation question 1

This evaluation question is 'In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media texts?' I have decided to explain this question through slideshow i created on Prezi. The link below will show my answers.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Evaluation Questions (Planning)

Studing the evaluation questions, i have planned what i may include when evaluating my tasks.
The first question i have studied was 'In what ways does your media product use, develope or challange of real media products?' for ths my idea was to have an interview the the director (could be myself or an actor) to see how these tasks relate to this question.

the second question is 'How effective is the combinationof your main product and ancilly text?' for this question i have relate all of my tasks and this inspired me to do a timeline and a venn diagrame to portray the similaries between them.

the third question is 'What have your learned from you audiences feed back' for this i can video and photograph people watching my videos and giving me their feed back towards my tasks.

The last question is 'how did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?' with this question i plan to show all the aspects and different ways in how i created my tasks and i will how this through stop motion animation.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Uploading Problems

Due to technical difficulties my video from the computer and youtube has not uploaded to blogger. At the moment i have uploaded my video to Vimeo (the hyperlink below), but this may also fail to show my video. I have searched many various video websites and will continue this search until i find a working website. if all else fails i will have to send my film off via DVD. Thank you.
